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are our pools tempered

Are our pools tempered?

Our fiberglass-reinforced polyester pools are made of durable material that includes fiberglass and aramid. However, they are not tempered in the same way as glass or metal.

Tempering is a heat treatment process where the material is subjected to high temperatures and then rapidly cooled to increase its strength and resistance to cracking. In the case of fiberglass-reinforced polyester pools, this tempering process is not applied because fiberglass-reinforced polyester already has very good strength properties and resistance to mechanical damage.

Polyester pools are designed and manufactured to withstand the requirements of daily use and water load. They are resistant to mechanical damage, weather conditions, and corrosion. However, it’s important to note that polyester pools, like any other structure, can be damaged due to improper use, impacts, or other external factors.

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